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All about HUF alongwith Format of Deed,Affidavit,NOC from Female Co-Parcener


HUF – Hindu Undivided Family

HUF coming into Existence.

Ø  HUF is   recognized as a person- Sec 2(31) of the  Income Tax Act. As this HUF enjoys the benefits, like basic exemption, 80-C deduction, Sec.54, 54EC, 54F exemption, it is always advantageous to claim a separate HUF status to avail these benefits. But “HUF ” word has not been defined in any statute.

Ø  HUF is a creation of Hindu Law. Thus it is formed by status and not by any contract or enactment.

Ø  A husband and wife can constitute a HUF, if there was a common inherited property.

Creation of HUF

}  It can be by way of

1)      Partition

2)      Gift

3)      Will

4)      By Blending

5)      By Reunion

HUF Partition

Ø  The wife of a Karta or a non-coparcener member cannot claim partition. But at the time of partition Karta’s wife can claim a share equal to that of her son.

Ø  If all the members agree there can be unequal partition.

Ø   The partition of a HUF can be by any one of the modes.

1)      Oral

2)      By a suit

3)      By an agreement or Deed

4)      By an Arbitration Award

Ø  Income Tax Act does not recognize a partial partition after 31.12.78.  Only existing Assessees as per Income Tax Act, need to claim for recognition of a partition U/s.171. Even after total partition, all members are liable for taxes of erstwhile HUF, under IT Act, if it was earlier assessed as such.

Ø  Partition must be total both in respect of persons and the properties. Where ever it is possible, the physical division of property, must be by metes and bounds.

Ø  A HUF Business after total partition can be converted into a Valid Partnership Firm.

Karta’s Duties and Responsibilities

Ø  Under the Hindu law prevalent in India, the manager of a Hindu undivided family or a Hindu joint family is called the ‘Karta.’

Ø  As an accepted general rule, the right to manager ship of a Hindu Undivided Family under the Hindu law is conferred on the father as the head of a joint Hindu family.

Ø  Where the father of the family is dead, the right to manager ship of the Hindu Undivided Family simply devolves up on the senior-most adult co-parcener of the Hindu joint family.

Ø  The Karta has extensive powers in respect of the day-to-day management of the joint Hindu family.

Ø  The Karta is always expected to utilize the income of the joint family for the purpose of the family, viz., for the maintenance, education, marriage, shardh and other religious ceremonies of the coparceners and members of the joint family.

Death of a coparcener

}  On the death of any coparcener, the other coparceners in the family may take by survivorship that in which they had during the deceased’s lifetime a common interest and a common possession.

Daughter share in HUF

}  On 9.9.2005, the Hindu succession Act, 1956  Sec.6 was amended to provide that 

o   The daughter of a coparcener shall by birth become a coparcener in her own right in the same manner as the son and she has a equal share that of a son.

o   She too could enforce the partition of the family property to claim her Individual Share.

o   She continues to be the coparcener in her father’s HUF even after she gets married and forms another HUF with her husband.

 Gifting to and from HUF:

Ø  Gifts to HUF, in aggregate up to Rs.50,000/- Per annum are exempt U/sec.56(2)(x) subject to Sec.64(2). Gifts in kind are also covered by Sec.56. E.g : Jewellery, Shares, Bonds, all other movable and immovable properties.

Ø  HUF giving Gifts to an Individual i.e., member of such HUF is not taxable under Sec.56(2)(x).

Assessment of Hindu Undivided Family

}  HUF is a separate and a distinct tax entity. The income of a HUF can be assessed in the hands of the HUF alone and not in the hands of any of its members, unless specifically provided by law.

}  However, any sum received by an individual as a member of a HUF, where such sum has been paid out of the family or income of the impartible estate belonging to the family shall be exempt in the hands of the member of the HUF as per Section 10(2).

Hindu Succession Act – Inheritance

}  The Act  applies only in case where a Hindu male or female dies without making a will and leaves behind property.

}  The Act applies only in case of intestate succession, i.e., to the following:

1)      Any person who is a Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Buddhist by religion.

2)      Any person who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi or a Jew.

3)      Any person who becomes a Hindu Jain, Sikh or Buddhist by conversion or reconversion.

4)      Legitimate / illegitimate child   whose one or both parents is a Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Buddhist by religion.

}  However,   in case only one parent is a Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Buddhist by religion, then the child must be brought up by such parent as a member of his community, family, etc.

}  Step son is not a “SON”.

Income Tax Rate of HUF

}  Tax rate is same as Individual and tax is calculated as per slab. Thus, HUF can also avail income exemption upto Rs. 2,50,000 like individual as it has a separate identity.

Disadvantages of HUF

Whenever an asset is transferred to HUF it remains with it. Only when the coparceners will demand a partition of HUF, the property can be shared by the coparceners. HUF property cannot be mentioned in the WILL.



Format of NOC by Female Coparceners to waive off their right/share in HUF property



Dear Sir,

1) I/we ……………………………………………( Name of Co-Parceners ) hereby declare that I/we are the Co-Parcener of the HUF ……………….. … (Name of HUF)

2) We all the below mentioned coparceners declare that we bequeathed our share in the Hindu undivided family property including our share in the business and the bequest was in favour of ….,, and all the legatees were entitled to share in the bequest equally.

3) We further state that we released our right, title and interest in the business in favour of the other legatees, namely,…..

4) We who was described as a party of the second part was releasing all our right, title and interest as an heir of her FATHER in the joint family firm and we had no claim or demand whatsoever in the goodwill, trade name, assets, liabilities, outstandings and stocks of the said firm and the parties of the first part, that is,………, had become absolutely entitled thereto

5) We further state that the children of this person will also not be able to stake claim over the property in future.

Yours faithfully

(coparcener of the HUF)

HUF Stamp to be affixed

List of Co-parceners



Relationship with the Karta


To be signed by all members including female members


AFFIDAVIT FORMAT FOR GETTING PAN CARD (to be printed in Stamp Paper of Rs.20 alongwith Notary from an Advocate)


I, NAME OF THE KARTA aged about  ..., years, Hindu, Adult, Indian, Inhabitant presently residing at  ADDRESS, Do hereby state, declare and confirm under;

That NAME HUF is a Hindu Undivided Family consisting of following co-persons;

S.NO      NAME                                          RELATIONSHIP                         DATE OF BIRTH

1                                                                     SELF (KARTA)                           

2                                                                          WIFE                                     

3                                                                          SON/DAUGHTER


That the Date of Incorporation of HUF is DATE OF FORMATION

Solemnly affirmed at PLACE                                                        

On this DATE






I, ……………………………………. son of …………………………………. residing at ………………………………………. aged .. Adult do hereby declare -


1.    That I am Karta of ……………………………… (HUF).


2.    That I received on behalf of the H U F gift of Rs. ………../- by way of cash from my ………………………….. on dt. ………….. this formed the corpus of the HUF.


3.          That the HUF at present is consisting of the following members-

I)             …………….., Adult residing at …………………….


4.         That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Declared this on Date.



1. ———————————–                                                                       1.                                                                              



2. ———————————                                                                         2.      

Disclaimer: This article is for the purpose of information and shall not be treated as solicitation in any manner and for any other purpose whatsoever. It shall not be used as legal opinion and not to be used for rendering any professional advice. This article is written on the basis of author’s personal experience and provision applicable as on date of writing of this article. Adequate attention has been given to avoid any clerical/arithmetical error, however; if it still persists kindly intimate us to avoid such error for the benefits of others readers. 



     THE DEED OF PARTIES ON of Sri ………………………… S/o ……………. Hindu Undivided Family executed at …………………. on this ………………. by and between the members of the family


1.   Sri  …………………….. HUF by karta of HUF  ………………. and  his  Wife        

      Smt………………………. and Sons Sri. ……………………. and Sri ……………...


2.    Sri  ……………… HUF by karta of HUF …………… and  his  wife Smt………………. and daughter Smt. ………...


3.   Sri …………. HUF by karta of HUF …………….and his wife Smt……………………...





Whereas Sri ………………. HUF inherited the Hindu Undivided Family properties from their ancestral HUF ……………. HUF the Families traditionally agriculturalist and money lender since several years, the family was carrying on agricultural operation and money lending activities for past several years.  Whereas differences have arisen between the members of the family and thereby members of the family agreed to fully partition the properties belonging to the said Hindu Undivided Family. As all the members of Sri ………………… HUF are married and separated because of disputes between their family members and hence they decided to partition their HUF into their three HUF’s. The terms and conditions governing the partition as agreed between the members of the family now put into writing.  Now   this   indenture   witnesses as follows:-


1.  Schedule i properties should go to Sri ………………… HUF consisting of himself   and his wife Smt……………...


2.  Schedule ii properties should go to Sri ……………. HUF consisting of himself and his wife Smt………………….


3. Schedule iii Properties should go to Sri ……………. HUF consisting of himself and his wife    Smt………………….


        All the Members of the family agreed and are in best of health and soundness of mind   and that except as agreed herein above all the members of the family accept the above said partition as correct and acknowledge having received the possession of the above said mentioned properties as per schedules i, ii and iii respectively by the members of the family.




WITNESS :                                                    SIGNATURE OF THE MEMBERS

~~~~~~~                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                                       OF THE HINDUE UNDIVIDED FAMILY



1.                                                                     1.




2.                                                                     2.




3.                                                                     3.


































Disclaimer: This article is for the purpose of information and shall not be treated as solicitation in any manner and for any other purpose whatsoever. It shall not be used as legal opinion and not to be used for rendering any professional advice. This article is written on the basis of author’s personal experience and provision applicable as on date of writing of this article. Adequate attention has been given to avoid any clerical/arithmetical error, however; if it still persists kindly intimate us to avoid such error for the benefits of others readers.


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